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Place in a saucepan One and one-half cups of boiling water, One teaspoon of salt, Two-thirds cup of cornmeal. Stir to mix thoroughly, then cook for twenty minutes and cool. Form into sticks the size of a bread stick, roll in flour and brown in hot fat.


One cup of corn flour, Two teaspoons of salt, One and one-half teaspoons of paprika. Sift three times. To prepare the egg dip: One egg, Six tablespoons of oyster liquid, One tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce, One teaspoon of salt, One teaspoon of paprika, One tablespoon of prated onion. Beat well to mix and then use. To prepare the bread crumbs, put dried bread through the food chopper, then sift and store until needed.


Select firm, full ears of corn and husk. Remove the silk with a cloth and then plunge the ears of corn into boiling water and cook for five minutes. Remove and dip in cold water and then cut from the cob with a sharp knife. Spread on shallow trays and dry in a commercial or homemade drier. This corn may be dried in the oven at a temperature of about 110 degrees Fahrenheit. Leave the oven door open so that the moisture may quickly evaporate. The Lancaster county farmers dry this corn in the sun and cover the trays with mosquito netting; they are brought in at night to protect them from the dampness and dew, which would start a mould on the corn while it is drying.


Place in a mixing bowl Three-quarters cup of crushed can corn, One-half cup of fine bread crumbs, One tablespoon of grated onion, Two tablespoons of finely minced parsley, One tablespoon of butter, One teaspoon of salt, One-half teaspoon of paprika, Three tablespoons of flour, One egg, Three-quarters cup of milk. Mix well and then turn into a well-greased baking dish and bake for thirty minutes in a moderate oven.


Remove the husk from the corn, leaving just a single layer against the corn: fold back this single layer of husk and remove all the silk, wiping with a dry cloth. Place two inches of salt in the bottom of a deep crock and stand the ears so that each one will be entirely alone and encased in salt. Stand the tip end down, pack closely with salt and place two-inch layer on top Cover and place in a cool place. It is most important that the ears do not touch.


Place in a saucepan Two cups of boiling water, One-half cup of finely chopped onion, Two-thirds cup of cornmeal. Stir to prevent lumping and cook slowly for twenty minutes. Now add One-half cup of finely shredded dried beef, One teaspoon of paprika. Beat hard to mix thoroughly and then serve with tomato sauce.